chewing louse造句
- It is a chewing louse, which feeds on the feathers and skin debris of birds.
- The Liberian mongoose is also host to a species of Mallophaga ( chewing louse ) known as " Felicola liberiae ."
- The " Strigiphilus garylarsoni " is a chewing louse The term " thagomizer ", a feature of stegosaurus anatomy, was coined in a " Far Side " cartoon.
- Entomologists paid tribute to Larson by naming a species of butterfly from the Ecuadorian rain forest the Serratoterga larsoni, and a species of chewing louse found only on owls the Strigiphilus garylarsoni.
- Two species of chewing louse have been isolated and described from grey currawongs : ( " Menacanthus dennisi " ) from subspecies " halmaturina " on Kangaroo Island in South Australia, and " Australophilopterus strepericus " from subspecies " arguta " near Waikerie was described in 1977.
- ""'Trichodectes canis " "', also known as canine chewing louse, is a chewing louse found on domesticated dogs and wild canids throughout the world . " T . canis " is a well-known vector for the dog tapeworm, " Dipylidium caninum " . " T . canis " usually does not present any major problems to the host, however, can be very irritating in heavy infestations.
- ""'Trichodectes canis " "', also known as canine chewing louse, is a chewing louse found on domesticated dogs and wild canids throughout the world . " T . canis " is a well-known vector for the dog tapeworm, " Dipylidium caninum " . " T . canis " usually does not present any major problems to the host, however, can be very irritating in heavy infestations.
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